Video: Tony Phillips
We have decided to extend our crowdfunding campaign for one more week. This is your last chance to support our fundraising efforts and become a member of the club. We smashed our first target of $15,000 and our second of $20,000 and now we are going for $100,000... Jokes! But seriously, although our crowdfunding results are more than we could have ever wished for, it is only a small dent in our start-up costs. So if you’re still considering a membership, let us throw some numbers at you:
To bring one green back to social bowling standard will cost $10-15,000 (depending on whether we can secure volunteers to help with the labour)
Our insurances cost $39,000 for the year, a liquor license is approximately $3,500,
An upgraded security system will cost around $20,000
To fix the kitchen is about a $80,000 investment
The greens need shade, we need to purchase glassware, tables, chairs, stock, sanitiser… the list is endless but every little bit helps and we are beyond grateful for your support so far.
Please tell your friends and neighbours the countdown is on.